Periodic Life Review Ideas

Periodic Life Review Ideas

Weekly Review

Clean Slate


  1. What went well?
  2. Where did you get stuck?
  3. What did you learn?


Monthly Review



Annual Review

What should an annual review be?

  1. Data- driven - gather data wherever possible
  2. Theme - Set up a them for the upcoming year(s) that is tied to your personal values and goals
  3. Have a realistic plan - Have SMART Goals so you can track your progress

High-Level Reflection

6 - 8 responses per prompt

  1. What went well this year?
  2. What didn't go well this year?

Goals Reflection

Set Actionable Goals for Categories of Life


Map Out the Immediate Next Steps for Each Goal and Schedule Them

What can you do right now to make progress on your goals?

Action often precedes motivation

Zoom Out and Create a Theme for the Year

These ideas were primarily pulled from here