The ADM Cycle and its phases

Phase Description
Preliminary Preparation and initiation activities required to create an Architecture Capability. Includes customization of TOGAF and definition of Architecture Principles.
A: Architecture Vision Define scope, identify stakeholders, set vision, obtain approval. Version 0.1 includes an outline of Business Architecture, Data Architecture, Application Architecture, and Technology Architecture
B: Business Architecture Develop a business architecture . Version 1.0 includes a formally reviewed architecture
C: Information Systems Architecture Develop an information systems architecture. Includes Data Architecture and Application Architecture. Version 1.0 includes a formally reviewed architecture
D: Technology Architecture Develop technology architecture. Version 1.0 includes a formally reviewed architecture
E: Opportunities and Solutions Initial implementation planning and identify delivery vehicles for the architecture
F: Migration Planning How to move from baseline to target architecture with a Implementation and Migration Plan
G: Implementation Governance Provide an architectural oversight of the implementation
H: Architecture Change Management Procedures for managing change to the new architecture
Requirements Management Examine the process of managing architecture requirements throughout the ADM

TOGAF - 4 - Introduction to the Architecture Development Method (ADM)

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