Unit 9 – Towards the Digital Enterprise
Open Agile Architecture Practitioner Certification
9.1 Describe the Experience Design Approach
Iterate deign thinking cycles. Test the hyptheses from ideation using prototypes. (e.g., A/B testing to try out two solutions at the same time)
9.2 Describe Customer Research
Combines tradition market research with customer experience research.
- Market Research
- Who is or who will be using a product? Why and how?
- An outcome may be a pricing strategies assessment.
- Jobs to be done
- Shift the focus from customer to what the customer wants to achieve in a specific context.
- The job, not the customer, is the fundamental unit of analysis
- Understand the alternatives that people have to get the job done
9.3 Explain how to combine Product Discovery with Customer Research through:
Product Discovery is about defining products from an outside-in view
- Experience Mapping
- Experience - the sum of all interactions between a user and the enterprise
- User Map
- Persona - subject of the story
- Final outome that results from the story
- Chain of events
- External participants who interact with the persona
- Each event should be connected to an outcome - too much detail pollutes the problem space with solution concerns
- Made up of a set of touchpoints where the persona interacts with the enterprise OR external parties
- Each touchpoint gives an opportunity to wrap producy features that benefit the user
- A single event often contains several touhpoints.
- Goods Features
- Artifacts offered to clients
- Goods expose features through which clients interact
- The shared experience is mediated by the functional form of goods and the physical manifestations that clients interact with
- Service Features
- Clients delegate acts to the provider to get deiserd outcomes
- Service features are the functionality of a service
- Service provisio nmay include the use of artifacts, but these are not necessarily goods, they are more a means to an end
- Features Outcomes and Benefits
- A benefit is an outcome that a user values
- If the user does not value it, it is not a benefit
- Digital Products
- When goods become connected digitally, they are agents for consumers and providers to interact
- Services can go closer to consumers, right at their fingertips
- Quality Properties
- The "ilities" of products
- ⭐Outcomes are not completely defined until measurable properties are specified
- Non-functional Requirements - this term is outdated
- Three main kinds:
- Discoverability
- Understandability
- Usability
9.4 Explain the Ride-Hailing Company
The relationships that link features to benefits are indirect and require an understanding fo the whole system. It is a two-sided market platform, and the value grows for both sides with more people using it. The interest of driver is NOT aligned with the interest of riders (more drivers is bad for drivers, but good for riders). Drivers can be subtly influenced to act against their own interests with video game techniques of non-cash rewards that offer little actual value.
This example demonstrates the complex relationship between features and outcomes . "Killer" UC UX ideas can enhance the experience of features, but more is needed to have a lasting affect and to succeed against competitors. Also, quality properties must be considered so that users do not abandon the app and can be maintained with fitness functions.
9.5 Describe the Journey Mapping and in particular:
Journey map is an alignment diagram. Reveals both sides of value creation in a single overview. Experience and enterprise product, with interactions between the two.
- Moments of Truth
- Those few interactions where customers invest high emotional energy in the outcome
- Use moments of truth to prioritize operation improvements
- ⭐ The goal should be to maximize outcomes while minimizing costs by minimizing new features development.
- The Human Side
- ⭐ Grant employees the freedom not to follow SOPs when solving urgent or important customer problems
- When a defect is fixed, a customer may become more loyal than before the defect was encountered
- The Role of Automation
- Automation should not always be pushed to its limits, it comes with drawbacks
- Automate using an incremental approach when possible
- Automation should be used as an augmentative tool, leaving decision to humans
9.6 Describe Value Stream Mapping
- End-to-end set of actions that delivers results for a customer
- Applying value stream mapping without understanding the whole Lean system creates waste
- It is a tool to help us see, NOT a solution to a problem