God Is Powerful and Personal

Israel's Journey

  1. Genesis
  2. Egypt
  3. Wilderness
  4. Egypt
    • Exodus 3:12-14
    • Plagues and locusts
  5. Sinai
    • Exodus 32:1-4
    • god makes a covenant with his people. Shows them how they should be living
    • the people abandon God for their idols made of gold
    • Exodus 33:15
    • Exodus 34:6-7

God is Powerful

Exodus 19:16-19

You can do nothing to re-route a storm, because it is powerful. The power of God is the same way.

God is Personal

Repetition - In Hebrew, when you see repetition, that is the equivalent of writing in all capital letters.

Renaming - The ways we name things are ways of identifying them. In the scripture, your name was your character and your destiny. This is why God renames people.

Elohim - a type of being, used for God in Genesis
Haya -"I am"
Yahweh - "he is"

God names who he is to give clarity to who he is.

We use God's name in vain when we use him to get what we want.

Matthew 6:9 - "hallowed be your name"

Many of us view God as casual, rather than personal. We have a weak view of who God is.

There is tension in who God is. Completely forgiving AND completely just.